Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Iago's Student Days

Interviewer= Lizzy
Subject= Iago
Did you find the class challenging?
Though I feared not for life, the many fights
of in-class essays drained all my vigor.
If the pen is mightier than the sword
why must it cause such mental wrath?
The books would evade just the minds of fools,
but how I loathed the literary tools
And the discussions, even when quite small
I say to you: “It plucks out brains and all” (125)
What was your least favorite book?
Incidents in the life of a slave girl.
The ruffian believed she had the need
To share her every thought and every deed
Her hallow complaints still ring in my ears
As does the fact that she hoped to bring tears
“Be judge yourself,
Whether I in any just term am affined
To love the moor.” (1.1.35-37)
What did you get on the AP Test?
What is your favorite memory of AP English 11?
The quarterly test that we all must take
The battle that puts all our pride at stake
Of course I always come out on the top
Bubbles all bubbled in when she yells “stop!”
I must admit, a lot I tried to cheat
But Serensky would jump up on her feet
Though I tried many a plot, trick, and scheme
Could not beat this English teacher’s regime
Ah yes, what do you think of Ms. Serensky?
Though Brilliant as a teacher for this course
For you I feel a small bit of remorse
Who me? Why?
“Preferment goes by letter and affection” (1.1.33)
Do not think that she has been grading fair
If you misfortune the gift of her glare
What are you saying? I must get revenge!!!
Curse her!
there is a sound of hurried footsteps as the interviewer leaves
“My med’cine works! Thus credulous fools are/ caught” (4.1.46)
a hallow laugh fills the recording, which stops promptly
NOTE: This is just for fun. I under no conditions believe that Ms. Serensky plays favorites nor do I endorse the things that Iago said about Harriet Jacobs


  1. Lizzy, this post is so funny! I loved how you made Iago's lines mimic Shakespeare's writing style. I tried to do that with my interview with Othello, but it wasn't working so well for me. I'm sure if Iago was in AP English he would have been one of Ms. Serensky's favorites.

  2. Lizzy! This is the best one I have read so far! I love that you embodied Iago's character in and out of the quotes. You also managed to make his reponses sound natural. I wrote an interview with McMurphy and it took a while to repond to them from his stance. I really love this post! Also good choice of character...and information about the class!
