Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Roderigo and Reggie's Ruthless Revenge

Roderigo lives in the modern day time period, like Reggie. Somehow, Reggie and Roderigo have been transported back together to the beginning of time. There are present at an intergalactic conference where they have been given an important decision to make. Should the comet hit earth, or another small undiscovered planet with no life forms whatsoever? They discuss the discision.
Reggie: We should go through with it--blow up the Earth I mean. People need to learn their lesson.
Roderigo: But “it is not my virtue to amend it” (Shakespeare 1.3.313)
Reggie: Look what these people have done to us! They stole your woman. And they they stole my dignity. This “ain’t no joke.” Let's blow this up (Currie 109)!
Rodergo: Even though what you say is very true, what about the others? My friends?
And you surely have friends too? I have seen them at the bar...
Reggie: I’m not their friend.” Look, we have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity here. You think C-4 could do this much damage? (Currie 123)
Roderigo: I don’t know man... I fear we are in over our heads.
Reggie: Look, I'm gonna get real weird with it. Haven’t you ever wanted this kind of pure power? The rush of complete and utter omnipotence? Haven’t you ever killed someone? Just because it felt good? Because you thought that the world needed a message? It is our human nature to have blood on our hands. Relish it. Embrace the urge to destroy all that threatens you.
Roderigo: I once tried to kill a man... It didn’t work out so well... (looks down angrily)
I deserve a chance at redemption. You are right! The pain! Humiliation! “I will indeed no longer endure it” (Shakespeare 4.2.176-177)!
Reggie: You down with it? That’s my man! Vengeance! That is the only true emotion!
Roderigo: Right you are! Council! We are ready! We have decided!

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