Thursday, May 5, 2011

AP English : The List that Says it All

  1. Multiple choice extra credit games- these create some of the best memories and academic thrills.
  2. SOAPSTones- cherish them while you can- it only gets worse! (this is true, but when it comes down to it, assignments like this teach you how to get things done quickly, and with a relatively low level of mental anxiety)
  3. Special AP English Inside Jokes- For example: Simultaneous Disappointment (what does this mean you may ask? It is an inside joke... I can’t really tell you... Simultaneous Disappointment)
  4. Extremely timely updates on Progress Book (I find it annoying when teachers do not update, but that is not a fear in this class!)
  5. Realizing that you can speak your mind in an in-class discussions without judgement (for the most part, unless you say something absolutely idiotic. Then you will probably be mocked at every hour..)
  6. Eventually understanding that everything has significance and that you can literally write an essay on anything.
  7. Never knowing which thoughtless phrase that you said will make its way to the quote sheet (although if you creepily ask the teacher what she is reading, that has a good chance of getting there)
  8. Stickers on your papers- Though a square inch of manufactured goods seems insignificant, it truly can make your day
  9. Knowing how to write (trust me, it is amazing what you learn. I read my old poetry paper from tenth grade, the one that I was so proud of, and gawked at its pitiful ramblings)
  10. You lose a social life, but gain a family (although it should be noted that if you are annoying and bitter, people still probably will not like you... sorry)


  1. I really like your list and it most definitely covers some of the best parts of AP English. Your 10th one is my favorite because it is really amazing to look back and realize how much we all bonded simply because of the struggles we endured together, and now see how closer we all have become.

  2. Hey Lizzy! I loved your list! I completely agree that we have really become a family over the past two years- our time spend discussing plot lines, quote choices, and the stress that those not in AP English can’t understand has given us a really unique bond that I’ll surely miss next year. Great post!

  3. I love your list Lizzy! Very creative! My favorite of course, is the simultaneaous dissapointment...they don't know what they have coming. I totally forgot about the progress book updates, which I know you and I discussed in photo as something we REALLY appreciate. Multiple choice games for our class are fun, but I think we all just want to smack the "dream team". I'm going to miss the A.P. family next year.
