Monday, January 10, 2011

My Allusion-Filled Thoughts on Blogging

Have you ever seen the movie Julie and Julia? Basically, a girl decides to blog about cooking a book full of recipes in a year. She made blogging sound like so much fun; I almost wanted to try it, but I had nothing to write about.
Then we had the chance to start a blog in AP English. The template choices dazzled me. I wanted them all! However, I found it challenging to come up with a good title. I still do not even know if I like mine.
At first, I thought that they would all need to have quotes and sound impressive and formal. Everyone analyzed the book at first. But when I realized that we could truly write about whatever we wanted, I started to enjoy blogging a bit more. I must say that I liked the freedom and creativity we could express on our blogs.
However, sometimes, coming up with an interesting topic frustrated me. I did not want my blogs to bore people, but I simply could not think of anything creative or funny to say. Having to write two blogs a week pressured me into coming up with some blogs that I do not a particular sense of pride in (although I did try hard on all of them).
But on the off chance that I thought of a good topic, I loved blogging. Writing the parody of tik tok was really fun (and Nicola can agree that if it comes on the radio on the way to gymnastics, I will feel the need to perform my version). When I wrote an especially good post, I would check my stats every once in a while to see if anyone read it (Yes, this may sound obsessive... but you probably do it too... I think?).
Overall, I loved the blogging, but I disliked the pressure to write something and the rule that we could not comment of someone elses blog more than once. In the graph, I can proudly say that I am in either the blue group (fun) or the pink group (other- requirement).

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