Thursday, February 3, 2011

Blackmail anyone?

Have you ever been blackmailed or blackmailed anyone? I have not.
When I read about the pictures in Ian McEwans’s Amsterdam, I started to think about some not-so-good pictures of my own. By this, I simply mean, awkward photos. I have no dark secrets like Garmony. But on occasion, someone whips out a camera and a particularly unflattering picture of someone will appear. We laugh and joke about how we now have “blackmail” on that one person, in case it is ever needed. This happened so frequently that, through time, we have each accumulated mass amounts of potential blackmail against each other. For example, I have a photo of Sarah on my phone where she looks demonic. Someone might make a strange expression or look mentally insane. Or sometimes, my dad will take photos of gymnastics meets. These are the worst. But even though we all hold stockpiles of awkward photos, we never put them online or share them without the other person’s consent. It makes me wonder, how much anger does it take to actually blackmail someone? I could never even imagine doing such an act. I guess this is part of the reason that I think Vernon was so wrong. Yes, I could post an interesting photo of someone for this blog’s success, like Vernon would for his newspaper. But I will not. Instead, I think that you will enjoy these photos of random strangers instead.

 It looks like they all want to kill the child...
This is humorous because her head is
so far back that she looks headless.

1 comment:

  1. Great opening lines Lizzie, very to the point and it made me laugh. I think the reason Vernon is able to seriously contemplate publishing those photos is because he doesn't see Garmony as a human being. That sounds silly, but I think he might view Garmony as an evil entity in competition for Molly. In reality, Garmony is a person with a family and a life; he even has a dirty secret. Molly saw him as a whole person, Vernon only sees a politician who he resents and is jealous of. Most of us wouldn't blackmail our friends because they are real human beings to us, but in an impersonal and jealousy-ridden relationship like the one between Vernon and Garmony anything is possible.
